Thursday, 15 October 2009

Permit to Rave

I sure wish I had time to rave! I've been uber-busy (which is pretty darn busy) which is why this post has been delayed by a whoppin four days. The photos are
  1. The ticket machine in Eastbourne
  2. The teenagers decorating the biggest of the 121 arrows on the stairs.
  3. An average to-do list for one day, not including my appointments!
I have been progressing with my many projects. The biggest projesct of the year will be turning the ballroom where we meet into an arts centre which a.) brings people into the church b.) brings us into the community more and c.) gets more money into the church, which we so desperatley need! Other projects I am starting include getting an afterschool club going at the church. We have so many kids cut through the church grounds to get home from school and they could all potentially start coming to an afterschool club. Equally, a breakfast club is in my profiteroles. I have been to meetings and been doing research for all these projects!
Another project that I hope to get off the ground by the time 2010 arrives, is to start what's called a Messy Church. A Messy Church is a fun, family based church service. Much more informal and usually on a weekday afternoon/evening. The format is basically:
  • Craft/games
  • Short church service (very family based)
  • Dinner
It's been very successful all over the country and I want it to be successful here in Eastbourne! My home church in Littlehampton is just about to start one. My vicar is a bit cautious about it. I usually have the big dreams and crazy ideas, and he has to tell me the practicalities of it. It's usually money based, as as with most churches, we're running on money we don't have! This is also part of the problem with the arts centre as to get the stage into working order, we would need to install some new stage lights. I was told
"They're not as expensive these days. You're probably looking at only about ten to fifteen thousand pounds."
Jaw dropping moment.

This week saw the end of ClubOne (or Clu Bone as I called it) and next week will see the start of Impact. I was a bit worried about telling the teenagers about it, as there will be a lot of changes. ClubOne ran like this:
  • 7.30 - Arrive, do what they want (XBox, snooker, craft, table tennis etc)
  • 8.00 - God Slot
  • 8.15 - back to doing whatever they want.
  • 9.00 - end.
Impact will rn like this:
  • 7.00 - Arrive, Bible study*
  • 8.00 - Go downstairs for usual activities (XBox, etc...) plus big group games.
  • 9.00 - end.
*The Bible study will be much like the Sunday morning group. It will include prayer, games, DVD, music, food, discussions and of course the bible study.
I managed to get them excited about the new Impact by telling them that to kick the new club off we will be going to the cinema next week to see Up. Risk Assessment here I come...

I've had some great successes this week. I have managed to get the much needed female youth leader and she's fantastic with youth! I'm going to be interviewed for a local newspaper about the things I've been doing. Hopefully this will let people see the church is active and alive! I went into Scouts this evening to lead an evening about Christianity as they are working towards their Faith Badge. They really engaged into what could have been a very boring evening! They were very questionable and a lot of them were very interested in coming to church and Impact. But it wasn't only the scouts who were interested. The leaders asked lots of questions too and sat there ears perked. Back to successes, I've also managed to get myself a ticket (not literally) into all of the local schools doing assemblies, clubs and walking around and chatting to kids at lunchtime. This week has been brilliant! I am being used by God and I love it!

Please can you pray for
  • Inspiration
  • That the right people will contact or be contacted by me to get these projects off the ground.
  • That seeds will be sewn into the hearts of the scouts and leaders and that Christians they meet will carry on the work that was started tonight.
  • Guidance for my friend Jon as he contemplates the next move.
Sorry, a very long blog post, but a lot is happening - God is on the move.

Speak soon,

"Respect Christ as the holy Lord in your hearts. Always be reasy to answer evryone who asks you to explain the hope you have."
1 Peter 3:15

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